Rainbow over the minicipality

Rainbow over the minicipality

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Heather and me (so she says!)

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If you had shown me the photograph and I didn't know when it was taken, I would not have known it was of me.  I would ask you who he was because he has the same glasses as me.

Now i look closely, I can see my hats in the background and see the butterfly near my ear?  Note, I am not looking closely at "me".  No, can't be.  The shirt colours are not exact as it is greener, so I cannot trust the way it portrays my appearance.  If that is what I look like, no wonder people boarding trams look at me and take other empty seats.  I always made dogs bark and babies cry, and now I know why.  I don't think I paid much attention to the selfie on the tram, and it was more contextual.  I shall print it out with my newly acquired, installed but not yet used colour printer ink when next in Office.  Tuesday is Cup Day.  Have you ever been.  It is a wonderful day out, and you don't need to have the slightest interest in the horses, though they are quite interesting.  Melbourne turns on these big public sporting occasions like no one else.  Anyone can attend, even people that look like I apparently do.

You continue to amaze me with your assistance and encouragement.  This latest feed-back has come at a really significant time.  I cannot believe that High Street is happening.  Of course I have experienced this before, when things start to happen, so I am yet to be convinced the pattern has changed.  I told you that I was significantly different after the counselling, which stopped abruptly but had already achieved a lot.  I know it is negative thinking but I cannot help imagining how I would have been had I felt like this back when I was any age younger than now.  I have a lifetime of memories that are now being revised in the light of whom I find I now look like.

I find I can copy these letters to you and post them on my private Blog, Minicipality.  It is not FaceBook but a Blog run by Google.  I suppose you don't follow Blogs, either.  I don't know how to follow someone else's Blog.

Thank you for taking the picture.  Thank you for bringing Danny into the situation.  I can see why you were keen to deal with him again.  I am not sure if you actually told me that he did your place in where ever it is.  I went there but I am confused about where it was because it had a sense of being not-here.  I guess it was just internationalism that I am not used to experiencing.  I very much liked the scale of your place, the opposite of mine.  I noted you commented on how cosy or something my place is.  I have lots of rooms, but they are all small.  I am now sitting in what I call my Dining Hall, but I imagine sometimes it is of stately proportions, except when I am walking through it, when I am pleased it is a short hall/haul. 


Quoting >:

> Hx

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