Rainbow over the minicipality

Rainbow over the minicipality

Saturday, 11 July 2015

New Insight

for years I have been trying to reconcile all the religions and faiths of humanity, with difficulty.  How can they all be right, when they are so incompatible?  Then suddenly it hit me that they are all correct.  When viewed from the outside of all of them, as  an Allist, all the trouble and strife becomes quite funny.  History is reduced to a comedic parody of itself.  I must be one of the earliest people to realise this in what is surely a rapidly growing trend.  It certainly did not come from my pretentious cleverness. 

Allism is as easy as walking along the side of a creek, and then crossing over at some point and continuing to walk along the side of the creek but on the other side.  Depending which way you are going, tributaries join or split off, but it is all one creek, eventually to become the one river, which becomes the one ocean and its inflows, which becomes the entire world's water system.  All water.  That is Allism.

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