Rainbow over the minicipality

Rainbow over the minicipality

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Indigenous recognition still faces gulf: Noel Pearson

Indigenous recognition still faces gulf: Noel Pearson | The Australian

“Recognition” includes many separate aspects and hence
should be many referendum questions.
They cannot all be lumbered into a single question.  It is possible one or some might pass but not
Most Australians support Constitutional Recognition of
Australia’s First Peoples, which apparently can be done within the body of the
Constitution or in a Preamble.  The
latter gives it prominence and separates it from the rest of the Constitution
lest it be read together with any other part.
Certain so called “racist” provision should rightly be
removed, and this would also be supported by most Australians if it had bipartisan
support and no vocal opposition.
However noble it might appear to ban “racism”, such a clause
would have legal consequences that would take it way beyond anything now
foreseen and for that reason so called Constitutional Conservatives oppose
it.  With a vocal opposition, it would
not succeed at a referendum, but that would not stop the first one or two
measures from succeeding.  Surely,
Aboriginal people will not reject this chance for a very significant symbolic
gesture of recognition at the start of the Founding document of this nation,
because it does not go far in the opposite direction to utterly bad all racial
discrimination to make up for all the already experienced discrimination.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Pix du jour

Here is a local copse of trees.  It is opposite where they are demolishing the old Dairy Bell Ice Cream factory.  What they need now is some undergrowth, now the trees are grown, and some ground cover.
And here is a better photograph of the graffitti that appeared above the old Dairy Bell.  It is such a hip area now, with the new Beans Cafe.  I like to think I contribute to the local ambiance with my own Bush Garden.  But I am so NOT a Hipster.
It won't upload.  Just shows the trees.  Never mind, this will never be read by anyone so it hardly matters.

Sunday, 21 June 2015


If World Peace is to be achieved, the divisions within Islam and the division between it and the rest of humanity will need to be regulated, normalised and generally accepted.  The distinctions must always remain, as they are too anciently established to change significantly now.  Also, within each, extrapolation results in incompatible realities between them.  However, they can all be brought together, but only with a higher dimension.

We are all familiar with the concepts of micro and macro Economics, and other examples of small scale study of the economic behaviour of individual companies compared to the large scale study of the economy as a whole, or as one in a global market.  This scale-dimension can also be applied to  religions, philosophies and ontological teaching systems.  It is possible for each branch of Islam, and for all other "isms" to accept the differences of the others without denying their validity and alternative manifestations of the underlying reality of universal truth.

However when this is also reconciled with Science, and Theology is taken as a branch of Physics, then the nature of "G-d" becomes central and can be deduced from first principles and turns out to be quite different from the teachings of some religions.  In particular the duality of good and bad, both of which are manifest within the same ontologically valid "deity".  If this ultra-mind or macro-mind or super-mind enjoys the smell of the sacrifices on the Altar, as we are told, then very possibly seeing people die in its name would also please it.  Having two sides both killing each other and hence both dying for it would be ultra-gratifying.

Hence the wars of religion are to the "glory of G-d".  Can we perpetuate them into an era of world peace?

Firstly, we must recognise all those who died as Holy Martyrs, and both sides admire their valour and celebrate their sacrifice together, not as enemies but as siblings who strive together, generation after generation and die for the same "G-d" though by different names.  It is all in the name, or the word.

In the future, the present physical decay that leads to death will be halted and people will start to live for a long time and possibly for ever.  There will need to be a reason for people to die.  The Bible suggests the ideal of one hundred and twenty years, but death before then may be preferable for people who "did it all" when they were young, then "did it all" again as parents and grand-parents till life becomes boring and the only thing left is a truly "noble death" in the ultimate of causes, the "Name of G-d".  Wars will go back to what they were in Aboriginal cultures, mostly ritual, but with some noble deaths leaving way for new generations as people would otherwise live for a very long time upsetting the cyclical rebirths of namesakes.

So Peace will not be an end to War, but an end to seeing it as undesirable.  It will always be a driver of the economy.  It just needs to be regulated and the civilian communities need to be protected.

I would like to go on the Haj.  The idea of all those people converging on Mecca, then gradually wending their way into the central area where they circle the Qaba, a huge, cube shaped room that is the mounting structure for the ancient meteorite that has been circled at this spot for thousands of years.  In ancient times rocks were worshipped, as with the natural, rock lingam in Siva temples in India and throughout the Himalayas.  The corner of a was is the structurally best place to fix it.  The milling of people, seven times round the rock, each doing her or his own count, all squashing up against each other, gradually dropping out after their seventh pass was complete, making room for others to constantly enter the twirling mass of people.  This rotating in a circle of all that psychic energy must create a great psychic tornado that extends beyond the atmosphere to be visible by an all-knowing conscious manifestation that transcends inter-galactic space, but is conscious at all scales, including human and stellar.

Ultimately, all religions as well as the Physics of Theology will acknowledge each other, in the way the in India the separate deities of Siva and Rama are reconciled.   Each acknowledges he other as the "Great G-d"or does obesience, but they are otherwise incompatible.  It is like a mountain with two peaks.  The can't both be to top or can they?


The dome

The Dome.
The way the ancients constructed domes is not understood.  It is solid geometry.  The arch stays up because all the stones try to fall in but are held up by the one below.  In the same way, in each ring of a dome the stones try to fall in, but are held up by the ones one each side.  A dome can be thought of as a series of layers that are held in laterally against the vertical force of their potential energy from raising the stones to that height.  They can be shaped radially to the centre of the sphere.  As they are constructed, they will tend to slip down during construction but can be held in place by iron cramps or physical keys like on bricks.  Once an entire ring is complete, they will hold themselves in place through their own weight, pushing sideways, and they will not need any iron ring or chain to hold them in place as was once thought when domes were reinvented in the renaissance.  The layers can also be corbelled out, so the new elements can be held by counterweights dring construction and then when the layer is complete they will again hold themselves up as a singular, circular element, with its separate elements held together by their own "weight". 

One of my imaginary Super-Buildings (buildings on a civic, not human scale) is the Great New Temple in Jerusalem.  I have always imagined an immense glass dome, made of long glass blocks in a geodesic pattern, held up on six intersecting concrete and stone arches in the form of three intersecting triangles.  It is to cover the whole of Jerusalem, centering on the top of Mount Zion, Temple Mount, where a hole at the very top of the dome, with a metal ring around it will be open to the sky why ligtnight can come through and light the fire on the top as must have happened thousands of years ago.  Lightning is quite common at certain times of year in the Judean Hills.  The building would appear like a huge Magen David from space, covered by an enormous glass dome.  It could be build.  At a smaller, but still large scale, it would be a genuine fitting Third Temple, that retains the wonderful architecture of the present Dome of the Rock as a Holy of Holies.  (I have been there and into the cave within the rock and it does feel "holy".)  That would provide six doors, two for men and women of both Jewish and Moslem faith and two for Xians, perhaps East and West.  The glass for the dome is just the sand of the desert poured into great moulds and fired at high temperature.  It is an ancient technology first discovered or invented or received in that area, now put to large-scale use.