A rainbow over my minicipality. My little chunk of 'reality' is a mini-municipality all to itself.
Rainbow over the minicipality

Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Today I feel brilliant. 15-11-14
Today should be remembered. I have never felt this good, certainly never better. If only I always felt like this, but the bouts of pain in the last week have been horriffic, but not today. Just made it to the Cinema on Thursday and then hated the film. Had no trouble last night at the Malthouse, except I had tix for next week by mistake, and the guy whose seat I sat in was on the committee and took me and got my ticket changed so I saw the show from quite a good seat of a woman too sick to come next to whose husband I sat.
Today, shopped, with ghusto and carried everything pain free. Made excellent lunch for Billy and me and then helped him paint and fix the gutters. All went well. Also saw a very good episode of Murder She Wrote, it is such a melodrama but the episodes starring Angela Lansberry are sometimes very good.
Every minute, I dread the return of the pain. It has been cripling. Ellen saw me in the office one Wednesday doubled over in pain. I keep hoping that it is the residual effect of the operation as nerves grow back, but why just in my left hip, and then spreading from there? Then I might hope it would end and I would recover. It could be the Cancer in my bones. My life alternates between feeling brilliant when I'm well, to totally depressed and terminal when I feel the pain. Is it returning now?
Today, shopped, with ghusto and carried everything pain free. Made excellent lunch for Billy and me and then helped him paint and fix the gutters. All went well. Also saw a very good episode of Murder She Wrote, it is such a melodrama but the episodes starring Angela Lansberry are sometimes very good.
Every minute, I dread the return of the pain. It has been cripling. Ellen saw me in the office one Wednesday doubled over in pain. I keep hoping that it is the residual effect of the operation as nerves grow back, but why just in my left hip, and then spreading from there? Then I might hope it would end and I would recover. It could be the Cancer in my bones. My life alternates between feeling brilliant when I'm well, to totally depressed and terminal when I feel the pain. Is it returning now?
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Anthropic principle
The Anthropic Principle suggests importance that we, as sentient beings, know of our own existence. The Universe exists in such a way that such entities have evolved. One explanation is the multiverse, that suggests there are "symultaneously" or consecutively or overlapping in other dimensions, a multiplicity of universes, perhaps an infinitude, and we happen to exist in the one in which it is possible for us to exist.
However, if there is consciousness to the universe on some large scale, that is not carbon-chemistry based but exists in the energy interchange between galaxies, then it could have evolved from its earliest existence with the compaitibility of consciusness existing at all. First came "mind" in a pure and universal form, existing as the dynamic superstrate of an energy exchange system that gradually precipitated into material existence, initially with a single, high-energy state that gradually divided as the system cooled, but all the while remaining consistent witht he existence of consciousness, till finally one or more planets like ours developed on which sentient creatures could evolve that could know all this. The universe is aware of itself, but are we the first creatures to do this? Or are we fragmenatry consciousnesses and parts of a much greater "mind"?
In other words, the reason for the anthropic principle is not coincidence or statistical certainty, but was built into the universe from its earliest existence.
However, if there is consciousness to the universe on some large scale, that is not carbon-chemistry based but exists in the energy interchange between galaxies, then it could have evolved from its earliest existence with the compaitibility of consciusness existing at all. First came "mind" in a pure and universal form, existing as the dynamic superstrate of an energy exchange system that gradually precipitated into material existence, initially with a single, high-energy state that gradually divided as the system cooled, but all the while remaining consistent witht he existence of consciousness, till finally one or more planets like ours developed on which sentient creatures could evolve that could know all this. The universe is aware of itself, but are we the first creatures to do this? Or are we fragmenatry consciousnesses and parts of a much greater "mind"?
In other words, the reason for the anthropic principle is not coincidence or statistical certainty, but was built into the universe from its earliest existence.
Friday, 7 November 2014
"Pluralism thus tries to encourage members of society to accommodate their differences by avoiding extremism (adhering solely to one value, or at the very least refusing to recognize others as legitimate) and engaging in good faith
dialogue. Pluralists also seek the construction or reform of social
institutions in order to reflect and balance competing principles."
This from the WikiPedia entry on Pluralism. Why have I only just discovered this concept? I have read so much political theory, but never a mention of Pluralism, not that I can now recall. Am I really losing my memory? Am I discovering things I forgot?
New Whig long ago was advocating the Unity Government. A single Cabinet made up of the best of both sides, all working towards the common good. It happens during times of war, which we are perhaps close to now anyway, so should be prepared.
I am so seriously thinking of standing again for Parliament as I did twelve years ago. If I felt really well I would. I am so recovered from the pathetic trauma I suffered as a child that kept me introverted and lacking in initiative for over sixty years till just recently, thanks to Donovan and Alexandra. Now I am ready to do the things I never could. Perhaps just one chance to contribute one term to the future of Victoria. How I would change this state. The three free Bs. Consensus rules. Close identification with Country. I have till next Friday. I could again go to Malvern Central and just approach people. I could walk up the street here. That could be a hoot. Anyway, I could do it. Then get lots of publicity as the oldest candidate, especially as I have original ideas.
Mr O'Brien will resign if his party loses, in my opinion, and go into private enterprise where he could make a large fortune, before returning to Politics when the pendulum is about to swing back in his direction. He might be pleased to be beaten by me, than hang around as an opposition, powerless anything for another term. I would be doing him a favour.
This from the WikiPedia entry on Pluralism. Why have I only just discovered this concept? I have read so much political theory, but never a mention of Pluralism, not that I can now recall. Am I really losing my memory? Am I discovering things I forgot?
New Whig long ago was advocating the Unity Government. A single Cabinet made up of the best of both sides, all working towards the common good. It happens during times of war, which we are perhaps close to now anyway, so should be prepared.
I am so seriously thinking of standing again for Parliament as I did twelve years ago. If I felt really well I would. I am so recovered from the pathetic trauma I suffered as a child that kept me introverted and lacking in initiative for over sixty years till just recently, thanks to Donovan and Alexandra. Now I am ready to do the things I never could. Perhaps just one chance to contribute one term to the future of Victoria. How I would change this state. The three free Bs. Consensus rules. Close identification with Country. I have till next Friday. I could again go to Malvern Central and just approach people. I could walk up the street here. That could be a hoot. Anyway, I could do it. Then get lots of publicity as the oldest candidate, especially as I have original ideas.
Mr O'Brien will resign if his party loses, in my opinion, and go into private enterprise where he could make a large fortune, before returning to Politics when the pendulum is about to swing back in his direction. He might be pleased to be beaten by me, than hang around as an opposition, powerless anything for another term. I would be doing him a favour.
Sunday, 2 November 2014
My great conceit
My great conceit is that I am actually like the Prophets in
the Bible, and I am the one who does have the knowledge. Years ago I started avoiding Yom Kippur
because of the story of Jonah they tell that day, and I always felt like him,
perhaps an ancestor. As if I knew this
story that I was supposed to tell everyone, that I had lain in bed sick and
dying and promising I would tell if I recovered, except I became well and never
told, and now it is too late, I am old and sterile.
The message is simple: the unity of G-D. End the divisiveness of every religion
thinking their idea of the single ultimate mind is the correct one, and more
important the ideas of other religions are wrong. Yet that leads to a duplicity
of deities. Everyone must come to the
agreement that there is only one G-D and even if other people appear to be
worshiping something different, it is really the same deity, by a different
name and with differently listed attributes.
So why, if this is not so, did I not stick with the
religious life-style, the two separate years I approached it? I feel it is a denial, like Jonah running
away. I need to have proved myself a
wicked sinner, at least in my own eyes, to prove that I am not a special person
in any way. Even when I thought of
writing one of my many imagined books, I always got caught up in the preface
asserting my ordinariness, and explaining that these insights that I present
are not due to any superiority on my part or any privileged connection to the
universe, but just because I am an introvert who has been observing the world
and humanity for half a century and now has a good idea about what is and what
could or should be. I am certainly not special,
indeed, I am wicked which proves it.
Now I have had this terrible operation, with the core of my
manhood cut out. And just this week an
article in the paper testifies to the idea I wondered some years ago if my
enlarged prostate was not caused by my lack of sexual activity.
If there is an energy system, with lots of component parts,
it will rattle along in harmony with itself, being all part of a universal
whole as well as being interconnected sub-systems. If some part is dysfunctional, or not
developing in parallel with the rest, the shaking and the energy interchange
will shuffle the recalcitrant part into harmony with the whole. It will feel like Divine Intervention to the
other sub-systems.
Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander on state visit to Japan - hellomagazine.com
Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander on state visit to Japan - hellomagazine.com
This is so different from how the Dutch and other European colonial powers swept into the East, including Japan a couple of centuries ago. In historical terms, with the long view, this is a telling and touching photograph. East meets West very cordially and as equals.
In terms of international diplomacy, this shows the closest bond at the highest level between a representative of the European Union and Japan. The Chinese must be feeling very left-out. Perhaps if they re-instated their Emperor things might be different. It is a much more polite way of expressing it publicly than shared military exercises, which probably do happen but in private, or meetings between military leaders, such as the head of NATO and the Japanese PM. The existence of Monarchy serves a useful purpose. Perhaps we will see the world line up as Monarchies versus Republics. It could develop without anyone really noticing the correlation.
This is so different from how the Dutch and other European colonial powers swept into the East, including Japan a couple of centuries ago. In historical terms, with the long view, this is a telling and touching photograph. East meets West very cordially and as equals.
In terms of international diplomacy, this shows the closest bond at the highest level between a representative of the European Union and Japan. The Chinese must be feeling very left-out. Perhaps if they re-instated their Emperor things might be different. It is a much more polite way of expressing it publicly than shared military exercises, which probably do happen but in private, or meetings between military leaders, such as the head of NATO and the Japanese PM. The existence of Monarchy serves a useful purpose. Perhaps we will see the world line up as Monarchies versus Republics. It could develop without anyone really noticing the correlation.
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