Today should be remembered. I have never felt this good, certainly never better. If only I always felt like this, but the bouts of pain in the last week have been horriffic, but not today. Just made it to the Cinema on Thursday and then hated the film. Had no trouble last night at the Malthouse, except I had tix for next week by mistake, and the guy whose seat I sat in was on the committee and took me and got my ticket changed so I saw the show from quite a good seat of a woman too sick to come next to whose husband I sat.
Today, shopped, with ghusto and carried everything pain free. Made excellent lunch for Billy and me and then helped him paint and fix the gutters. All went well. Also saw a very good episode of Murder She Wrote, it is such a melodrama but the episodes starring Angela Lansberry are sometimes very good.
Every minute, I dread the return of the pain. It has been cripling. Ellen saw me in the office one Wednesday doubled over in pain. I keep hoping that it is the residual effect of the operation as nerves grow back, but why just in my left hip, and then spreading from there? Then I might hope it would end and I would recover. It could be the Cancer in my bones. My life alternates between feeling brilliant when I'm well, to totally depressed and terminal when I feel the pain. Is it returning now?
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