This appears to be the tragic future.
The demands from both sides are irreconcilable. Israel will not cede half of Jerusalem which the Arabs want to steal. There is no such thing as ethnic Palestinians, just Arabs who want to live in the geographic area called Palestine. Their claim for a little state is bogus and temporary because they want all of Islamic lands to be a single Caliphate, and they already have Jordan, where most so called Palestinians live.
There is growing anti-Semitism in the West, particularly in France, but visible in most countries including Australia where the Boycott movement is growing in power. It will not be long before Israel is alone; but what has changed in Jewish history? Presently, the current Australian Government supports Israel, but how long will that continue? Similarly, the USofA continues to support Israel, but clearly a growing part of their population are "lefties" who support Israel's enemies.
The move to water down the defamation laws in Australia could be a back door, under the guise of
'free speech' to permit Holocaust Denial and other racist rants. It is all very worrying and depressing.
A rainbow over my minicipality. My little chunk of 'reality' is a mini-municipality all to itself.
Rainbow over the minicipality

Sunday, 27 April 2014
Friday, 25 April 2014
The Sydney Morning Herald is now endorsing our Monarchy.
The Sydney Morning Herald is now endorsing our Monarchy.
"The Queen has outlasted and exhausted the republican movement in Australia. The polls show that support for a republic is fading, not growing. The more young people see the way politics is devolving, the less they will want to install another layer of elected politics and all the egoism, fund-raising, electioneering and public expense that a presidential system would produce.
"The republican movement failed because it has never offered a better system than the one that has served Australia unobtrusively and well for more than a century. It also failed because it became infected by a sneering negativity that has poisoned that well for a generation."
BUT, The Age is persisting with their moaning and yearning for a Republic:
"How does a country as big and successful as Australia still find itself so cravenly tied to a monarchy that prevents one of our own from being head of state?"
They are still missing the point about the Governor General being our 'head of state', it gets worse:
"And why does a dynamic multicultural country that is perfectly located on the cusp of the Asian century have the Union Jack in the corner of its flag?"
What do they want? The Chinese, Communist symbol on our flag?
Gradually people are learning, but it is still taking time.
"The Queen has outlasted and exhausted the republican movement in Australia. The polls show that support for a republic is fading, not growing. The more young people see the way politics is devolving, the less they will want to install another layer of elected politics and all the egoism, fund-raising, electioneering and public expense that a presidential system would produce.
"The republican movement failed because it has never offered a better system than the one that has served Australia unobtrusively and well for more than a century. It also failed because it became infected by a sneering negativity that has poisoned that well for a generation."
BUT, The Age is persisting with their moaning and yearning for a Republic:
"How does a country as big and successful as Australia still find itself so cravenly tied to a monarchy that prevents one of our own from being head of state?"
They are still missing the point about the Governor General being our 'head of state', it gets worse:
"And why does a dynamic multicultural country that is perfectly located on the cusp of the Asian century have the Union Jack in the corner of its flag?"
What do they want? The Chinese, Communist symbol on our flag?
Gradually people are learning, but it is still taking time.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Pesach (Passover) 5774
For some reason, tonight I am missing "family" even more than ever. It would even have been good having a Jewish boufriend, but of course Billy just buys chocolate eggs and bunnies, thought what they have to do with Easter I have never understood. Anyway, it has been my stupid choice to fall out with cousins, never marry etc. So I have no one but myself to blame.
As usual, I bought some motzah so I can eat some alone and remember how we were slaves in Egypt.
Lately, the press is full of discussions about former Foreign Minister Bob Carr and his recent published diary with its claims of the Jewish lobby's powerful influence. He is obviously anti-Semitic and his claims, though blatantly false, will have a bad effect by encouraging bigots. He refers to the lobby being in Melbourne, and as he was NSW Premier, he must know no such lobby existed in Sydney and obviously if it existed at all would be equal in both states, so he thinks it is only here.
My health is not good. My blood pressure is very high, 180/100. It was much lower when I woke this morning. I'm half expecting to have a heart attack at any moment. But despite that I feel quite well, and almost happy.
As usual, I bought some motzah so I can eat some alone and remember how we were slaves in Egypt.
Lately, the press is full of discussions about former Foreign Minister Bob Carr and his recent published diary with its claims of the Jewish lobby's powerful influence. He is obviously anti-Semitic and his claims, though blatantly false, will have a bad effect by encouraging bigots. He refers to the lobby being in Melbourne, and as he was NSW Premier, he must know no such lobby existed in Sydney and obviously if it existed at all would be equal in both states, so he thinks it is only here.
My health is not good. My blood pressure is very high, 180/100. It was much lower when I woke this morning. I'm half expecting to have a heart attack at any moment. But despite that I feel quite well, and almost happy.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Sans Shanti
In my secret diaries on past years, I noted that it was so many days "sans shanti", a combination of French and Hindi, that I knew was too obscure for anyone to discern the meaning. Even here and now, I cannot bring myself to write exactly what I mean.
Most of last year I kept thinking of starting again. I put it off till after The Ring, because I knew those long operas would be difficult if I was craving, but only a week or so after it finished, I was back into it. By then I had been seeing Donovan regularly, and progressed from the Friday at St Kilda to Tuesday at East Bentleigh. Was it a return to "shanti" (peace) that stuffed up my progress? I felt it was helping, but perhaps the opposite was the case. It certainly helped with the massage treatment, but that is a different thing. I have been going each Tuesday for acupuncture also, and I don't know how it affects that.
Anyway, now our regular supply has dried up. So I have stopped again. My heart is irregular again, which I noticed in January when I stopped for a few days. Lately, it has been on and off again, and that has really stuffed me around. I can either do it all the time or not at all.
I'm a lot better today. I went to Barbs yesterday for lunch and to get something for Billy. She could be the access to our new supply, though I don't think any will be for me. I had pains in my lower gut which I was sure were either bowel cancer or prostate cancer. I finally found a chemist that stocked the bowel cancer test kit, which I will use at the weekend, then we shall see. I might still go to the Urologist and insist on an operation rather than another biopsy, but that won't be till after Pesach at the earliest.
Just now, I thought I was on a tram with good time to connect to the bus, but we had to change trams at Tooronga Road. (I always think: some things are wrong, some are wronger and this is too wronger.) I had just two minutes to run down the hill, with the lights against me, but I ran to the other side of the road, crossed against the lights, ran down the hill and saw the bus had already left, but it was stopped at the traffic lights across the freeway, so I ran over and he opened the door.
Tonight is a MTC play that won awards in Sydney. I don't expect I shall enjoy it!!
Feeling better today, but still had some pains in lower abdomen last night. Not acute pain, but felt something. It is a worry. I did the first of the bowel cancer tests this morning and will do another tomorrow. I think that part of me is fine. My prostate is the problem. I piss so often and so slowly. Perhaps the acupuncture is making it worse. I will give it another couple of weeks, then if I still feel bad like this I will insist on an operation. I suppose there is no desperate rush because if the cancer were spreading, I would feel generally bad, wouldn't I?
Saturday afternoon:
When I got to Billy, he showed me how Edward had helped him last night rearrange the kitchen. I have been replaced. I felt so bad, I cannot tell you. I was on the verge of tears. I couldn't say anything. I just made lunch and Billy put some things back. But he has thrown out a lot of things that were familiar to me there. Now, he is off with Edward to go shopping, that I pay for, of course. He won't go places with me, won't visit me. Just tolerates me being there sometimes so I will keep paying for everything. It is such a fraud.
The sooner I have a heart attack or get cancer, the better.
It is a week now "sans shanti". The irregularity has ended, but for the last day or two I have had very high blood pressure. (I have a machine) Right now I feel fine, but earlier I felt like I was on the verge of a heart attack. Slight shortness of breath, a bit of pain in my chest and left arm, not very noticeable, but there.
Tomorrow I go for the acupuncture again. I haven't mentioned anything to him and now I wonder if it was rank foolishness to indulge in the last few months. Did it make all the cost of the acupuncture worthless? More important, is that why my visits to Donovan have gone nowhere. This morning again I went to the office with the intention of finishing "the letter", but again couldn't face it. So I still have not made a formal complaint about being raped. I was going to write to Dr Wayne and report how hopeless Donovan has been. I was going to cancel tomorrow's visit, but I will go ahead with it. I keep thinking about how I will tell him it is my last visit. I sent him a copy of my letter to Val, and imagine they talked about me, but I am sure they didn't. What can anyone do? Nothing. I must just go on alone, if I survive, as I guess I shall.
That was beyond wierd.
This morning I woke feeling nearly as bad as yesterday. I managed to shower etc and walked through the "forest" as usual up to the acupuncture. Afterwards, I did feel much relaxed and got the bus to Donovan. To my surprise I was calm and rational, and spoke of myself as if everything was fine and I had coped with everything. I didn't tell him how I nearly cancelled, but shook hands at the end and thanked him for all his help etc.
Then I bussed back to Billy, and enjoyed a Revenge with him and a couple of Phineases alone. Then came back here. I could feel the old feeling of exhaustion returning as I walked back. I looked around to see if there was at least one thing I could put out for the hard waste collection, but couldn't find anything. Instead I looked at the detritus of my life, which overwhelms me. I started to practice the keyboard, but had no enthusiasm for it, and came back here.
Somehow, I feel as if I have passed through something significant and am a new person in some way. But I don't know how to get on top of my house or make something of my dysfunctional life.
Where has the week gone? Yesterday I woke feeling really bad, again, with blood pressure over the top. (190/100) Being a holiday, Billy wanted me to go there to make lunch. I think he is trying to be very nice to me, in his vague way, perhaps to compensate for his friendship with Edward. When I got there, he told me he had already been to Joe's and Edward had driven him. I don't know what to make of that. Anyway, as the day progressed I felt better, By the evening I was OK to go out and went to the Muppets show I had a ticket for; it was OK, silly but funny and clever impro. As soon as I got home, Barbara phoned, so I talked to her for a while. Now off to Billy again.
Most of last year I kept thinking of starting again. I put it off till after The Ring, because I knew those long operas would be difficult if I was craving, but only a week or so after it finished, I was back into it. By then I had been seeing Donovan regularly, and progressed from the Friday at St Kilda to Tuesday at East Bentleigh. Was it a return to "shanti" (peace) that stuffed up my progress? I felt it was helping, but perhaps the opposite was the case. It certainly helped with the massage treatment, but that is a different thing. I have been going each Tuesday for acupuncture also, and I don't know how it affects that.
Anyway, now our regular supply has dried up. So I have stopped again. My heart is irregular again, which I noticed in January when I stopped for a few days. Lately, it has been on and off again, and that has really stuffed me around. I can either do it all the time or not at all.
I'm a lot better today. I went to Barbs yesterday for lunch and to get something for Billy. She could be the access to our new supply, though I don't think any will be for me. I had pains in my lower gut which I was sure were either bowel cancer or prostate cancer. I finally found a chemist that stocked the bowel cancer test kit, which I will use at the weekend, then we shall see. I might still go to the Urologist and insist on an operation rather than another biopsy, but that won't be till after Pesach at the earliest.
Just now, I thought I was on a tram with good time to connect to the bus, but we had to change trams at Tooronga Road. (I always think: some things are wrong, some are wronger and this is too wronger.) I had just two minutes to run down the hill, with the lights against me, but I ran to the other side of the road, crossed against the lights, ran down the hill and saw the bus had already left, but it was stopped at the traffic lights across the freeway, so I ran over and he opened the door.
Tonight is a MTC play that won awards in Sydney. I don't expect I shall enjoy it!!
Feeling better today, but still had some pains in lower abdomen last night. Not acute pain, but felt something. It is a worry. I did the first of the bowel cancer tests this morning and will do another tomorrow. I think that part of me is fine. My prostate is the problem. I piss so often and so slowly. Perhaps the acupuncture is making it worse. I will give it another couple of weeks, then if I still feel bad like this I will insist on an operation. I suppose there is no desperate rush because if the cancer were spreading, I would feel generally bad, wouldn't I?
Saturday afternoon:
When I got to Billy, he showed me how Edward had helped him last night rearrange the kitchen. I have been replaced. I felt so bad, I cannot tell you. I was on the verge of tears. I couldn't say anything. I just made lunch and Billy put some things back. But he has thrown out a lot of things that were familiar to me there. Now, he is off with Edward to go shopping, that I pay for, of course. He won't go places with me, won't visit me. Just tolerates me being there sometimes so I will keep paying for everything. It is such a fraud.
The sooner I have a heart attack or get cancer, the better.
It is a week now "sans shanti". The irregularity has ended, but for the last day or two I have had very high blood pressure. (I have a machine) Right now I feel fine, but earlier I felt like I was on the verge of a heart attack. Slight shortness of breath, a bit of pain in my chest and left arm, not very noticeable, but there.
Tomorrow I go for the acupuncture again. I haven't mentioned anything to him and now I wonder if it was rank foolishness to indulge in the last few months. Did it make all the cost of the acupuncture worthless? More important, is that why my visits to Donovan have gone nowhere. This morning again I went to the office with the intention of finishing "the letter", but again couldn't face it. So I still have not made a formal complaint about being raped. I was going to write to Dr Wayne and report how hopeless Donovan has been. I was going to cancel tomorrow's visit, but I will go ahead with it. I keep thinking about how I will tell him it is my last visit. I sent him a copy of my letter to Val, and imagine they talked about me, but I am sure they didn't. What can anyone do? Nothing. I must just go on alone, if I survive, as I guess I shall.
That was beyond wierd.
This morning I woke feeling nearly as bad as yesterday. I managed to shower etc and walked through the "forest" as usual up to the acupuncture. Afterwards, I did feel much relaxed and got the bus to Donovan. To my surprise I was calm and rational, and spoke of myself as if everything was fine and I had coped with everything. I didn't tell him how I nearly cancelled, but shook hands at the end and thanked him for all his help etc.
Then I bussed back to Billy, and enjoyed a Revenge with him and a couple of Phineases alone. Then came back here. I could feel the old feeling of exhaustion returning as I walked back. I looked around to see if there was at least one thing I could put out for the hard waste collection, but couldn't find anything. Instead I looked at the detritus of my life, which overwhelms me. I started to practice the keyboard, but had no enthusiasm for it, and came back here.
Somehow, I feel as if I have passed through something significant and am a new person in some way. But I don't know how to get on top of my house or make something of my dysfunctional life.
Where has the week gone? Yesterday I woke feeling really bad, again, with blood pressure over the top. (190/100) Being a holiday, Billy wanted me to go there to make lunch. I think he is trying to be very nice to me, in his vague way, perhaps to compensate for his friendship with Edward. When I got there, he told me he had already been to Joe's and Edward had driven him. I don't know what to make of that. Anyway, as the day progressed I felt better, By the evening I was OK to go out and went to the Muppets show I had a ticket for; it was OK, silly but funny and clever impro. As soon as I got home, Barbara phoned, so I talked to her for a while. Now off to Billy again.
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Wick trimming
Just now, filling my lamp, I had a debilitating memory: suddenly I was struck by a powerful ennui, and felt the exhausting tedium of feeling I had been doing this self same thing, not just for years but for centuries. In past years, I amused myself by thinking how I was sharing a common experience with ancestors and people gone bye through my use of old fashioned lighting, pre electricity. Those games of imagining I were living in those past times must have seeped into my memories in a way that now I remember them not as make-believe but a memory of experiences.
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. In... - Australians for Constitutional Monarchy
If a lie is repeated often enough, it will become true.
Also, fighting Republicans makes them more determined to win out of principle. Having a better argument is like having a bigger sword: it doesn't automatically make you the winner.
That is the comment I left on this WWWeb Site:
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. In... - Australians for Constitutional Monarchy
The way to ensure the succession into the future of the Australian Crown is to take all the seperatge arguments in favour of a Republic, in particular the Social Ideals that are represented by the collective concept of the ideal Republic, but which need not be, and show they can all be achieved better under the Crown, and any changes that might still be needed can be achieved quicker, more smoothly and with wider community consultation and acceptance than via the change to a Republic.
If the change is not intended to achieve any real social change it is just cosmetic. Changing a symbol just because we like the look of the new one more might be valid, but should be seen for what it is and not be treated as an irrelevant side issue, hidden under a lot of other pretend issues that are actually not issues at all, like Australian Independence, which we already have totally.
A debate about symbolism is really all that it is about, because one would hope that any genuine social change that is desirable would have been achieved by now or be in the process, such as gender equality, equal representation under the law and Aboriginal Reconciliation. Were Australia to become a Republic, looking at how social interactions and rights and duties, nothing should change, although an enormous change in the Bureaucratic manifestation would be necessary, requiring the rebranding of every piece of stationary and every title in the entire Public Service; the cost to do effectively nothing but a name change would be vast, though arguably it would be a good Economic Stimulus like the boost from the introduction of the GST.
Also, fighting Republicans makes them more determined to win out of principle. Having a better argument is like having a bigger sword: it doesn't automatically make you the winner.
That is the comment I left on this WWWeb Site:
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. In... - Australians for Constitutional Monarchy
The way to ensure the succession into the future of the Australian Crown is to take all the seperatge arguments in favour of a Republic, in particular the Social Ideals that are represented by the collective concept of the ideal Republic, but which need not be, and show they can all be achieved better under the Crown, and any changes that might still be needed can be achieved quicker, more smoothly and with wider community consultation and acceptance than via the change to a Republic.
If the change is not intended to achieve any real social change it is just cosmetic. Changing a symbol just because we like the look of the new one more might be valid, but should be seen for what it is and not be treated as an irrelevant side issue, hidden under a lot of other pretend issues that are actually not issues at all, like Australian Independence, which we already have totally.
A debate about symbolism is really all that it is about, because one would hope that any genuine social change that is desirable would have been achieved by now or be in the process, such as gender equality, equal representation under the law and Aboriginal Reconciliation. Were Australia to become a Republic, looking at how social interactions and rights and duties, nothing should change, although an enormous change in the Bureaucratic manifestation would be necessary, requiring the rebranding of every piece of stationary and every title in the entire Public Service; the cost to do effectively nothing but a name change would be vast, though arguably it would be a good Economic Stimulus like the boost from the introduction of the GST.
Queen meets Pope and promotes women's rights in Rome.
Her Majesty the Queen continues to make history, this time by meeting His Holiness in normal clothes instead of the traditional black for repressed women. Canterbury and Rome are becoming ever closer, and it is surely just a matter of time before they are in communion with each other, when the exact relationship between the Head of the CofE and the Bishop of Rome is resolved.
Thanks to that lilac dress, 'Queen meets Pope' was a surprise win for women | Joanna Moorhead |
Thanks to that lilac dress, 'Queen meets Pope' was a surprise win for women | Joanna Moorhead |
With mouse unplugged.
The cursor entered jump mode again, or that is what I call it when the cursor randomly jumps to the top left corner of the screen, or else it either does not register at all or it sticks to what ever it was clicked on and needs to be unclicked or what ever it is will drag to somewhere else. These things do not follow a sequence but sometimes happen. They do not appear to happen if I use the little touch pad, but I have never been proficient at the touch pad, and mostly have had it turned off as my hand sometimes touches it accidentally, unless I keep my fingers off the pad. Actually, I think I can do it now. I suddenly notice I don't actually have my fingers resting on the keyboard as I used to do, keeping the hands in position, but I can type just as well with my hands hovering over the keypad. It could even be slightly more regular and quicker. Who could know how different life could be. I hope it stays, and it probably will. Only by thinking about the key pad did I notice I wasn't touching it any more and felt my fingers going to the keys as if they knew where they were without me looking at them. Of course the answer is easy to explain, due to the recent key-board practising, where I have been making an effort to learn to play without looking, which is a bit spooky.
I keep thinking about organising an event for the Queen's Birthday Public Holiday. Why am I writing this here? Because the reason I don't is because I am feeling so unwell a lot of the time. I helped Billy yesterday move a lot of concrete blocks from the back to the front. I should have taken photographs of the before and after. It was a sort of bar-b-cue, but now it is a decorative fence between Billy and the people next door.
Also thinking of Jerusalem. I should learn Hebrew so I can write my treatise in it, both for current Israeli readers and also so it will be linked stylistically with the previous Two Temples.
The Third Temple in Jerusalem should not be an attempted reconstruction of the Second. This is a mistake that present reconstructionists fall into.
I keep thinking about organising an event for the Queen's Birthday Public Holiday. Why am I writing this here? Because the reason I don't is because I am feeling so unwell a lot of the time. I helped Billy yesterday move a lot of concrete blocks from the back to the front. I should have taken photographs of the before and after. It was a sort of bar-b-cue, but now it is a decorative fence between Billy and the people next door.
Also thinking of Jerusalem. I should learn Hebrew so I can write my treatise in it, both for current Israeli readers and also so it will be linked stylistically with the previous Two Temples.
The Third Temple in Jerusalem should not be an attempted reconstruction of the Second. This is a mistake that present reconstructionists fall into.
Friday, 4 April 2014
I've had four page views today and seven yesterday. Who are you? I wish someone would leave a message. How do they find me? Why me? The idea that some random, unknown person is reading this totally excites me. Even one person, somewhere, who by accident typed in exactly what I call one of my posts, or sees a line of mine quoted in some list somewhere. Anyway, hello!
Scheme du jour.
My new idea to make millions is to be a Theatre Producer. I know, I know, it is risky, but heck, a big return requires calculated risks. If Jeany Pratt can do it, so can I.
First choice is the Sentimental Bloke, which I remember from my childhood and has never been repeated. Australia is bound for another wave of National Sentiment and re-discovery of our identity, and I can be at the forfront of it. Perhaps make Doreen aboriginal, oh no! that has been done in the new Wentworth. All ways to get into the public consciousness. It can be a big and popular show, playing to sell out audiences for months, filling unsold seats with the poor and incapacitated. Not only would I play on the name "Doreen" with its associations with Prisoner and Wentworth, clearly the nature of our interpretation must be in accord. There has never been a more heart-wrenching sound on Australian Television than Frankie's anguished cries for her girlfriend who had been taken away from her, and in whose arms she would not long thereafter die. But that was a different Doreen. I should first book a theatre, perhaps Her Majesty's in about two years. Then sell presales. It is all hype. If not that show, then perhaps "The Maid of the Mountains" with a Reality Show to find the new "Our Glad".
First choice is the Sentimental Bloke, which I remember from my childhood and has never been repeated. Australia is bound for another wave of National Sentiment and re-discovery of our identity, and I can be at the forfront of it. Perhaps make Doreen aboriginal, oh no! that has been done in the new Wentworth. All ways to get into the public consciousness. It can be a big and popular show, playing to sell out audiences for months, filling unsold seats with the poor and incapacitated. Not only would I play on the name "Doreen" with its associations with Prisoner and Wentworth, clearly the nature of our interpretation must be in accord. There has never been a more heart-wrenching sound on Australian Television than Frankie's anguished cries for her girlfriend who had been taken away from her, and in whose arms she would not long thereafter die. But that was a different Doreen. I should first book a theatre, perhaps Her Majesty's in about two years. Then sell presales. It is all hype. If not that show, then perhaps "The Maid of the Mountains" with a Reality Show to find the new "Our Glad".
Thursday, 3 April 2014
蛇城 Snake City
Snake City
The way the new urban expansion is happening in China is a
result of the way cities developed in the old industrial countries of Europe
and North America, where city blocks were owned by private individuals who
raised towering columns on their individual blocks. There may be a better way to design cities
for the future. Urban development in
China is a marvel. Never before have
huge cities grown at such speed. In the past, this ideas was fanciful, just to amuse
my Architectural imagination, with no suggestion that it would ever be
built. Now, the rapid, large scale
development that is happening in China makes it possible to build different
sorts of cities in a dynamic way.
They are sky scraper cities, built to a traditional concept
of a City. This is perhaps valid for
existing megacities such as Shanghai, but I suggest it is an old fashioned
model of civic design. China has the ability to move on to a new,
futuristic form of Urban Development. There is an alternative paradigm
that is yet to be realised.
For years I have imagined what I call my Mega
Buildings. When I left school I studied
Architecture but dropped out, as was fashionable in the sixties, after four and
a half years. One of them was for a city
in a single building, but one that can continue growing. If viewed from a distance, perhaps by plane,
it would not be a lot of rectangular spires, clustered randomly over the
landscape, as we see everywhere now.
Instead, I imagine an endless snake-like building, perhaps thirty
stories high, and as wide as a city block.
It would snake over the landscape, following contour lines. The
stability of a curved building is vastly better than a straight one. Perhaps a dragon is a better image for China,
except that Dragons tend to jump around, but a snake just coils and slides.
Windows on the outside would not be the only sources of
light and air. I imagine within this
city a Rapid Transit System and a High Way, running along it, like a spine in a
living snake. All the services and
communication would similarly run along it, within it. Separately, running through the building
would be an open void, that varies in size and shape, is open to the exterior
in some places, and provides an atrium for surrounding people on many levels,
with vegetation.
Such a building could keep growing, after starting in a small area. As it progressed, it would keep building from its end. As with most new and quickly growing cities, the first residents would be the people building it, who would move out for permanent residents and businesses as the building progressed and moved. A lot of the construction could be mechanised.
Such a building could keep growing, after starting in a small area. As it progressed, it would keep building from its end. As with most new and quickly growing cities, the first residents would be the people building it, who would move out for permanent residents and businesses as the building progressed and moved. A lot of the construction could be mechanised.
Internally, the building would be largely self
contained. To some extent it would
resemble an underground city, where people live and work completely indoors
with no contact with the outside world.
However this Snake City would be different as it does have sides and a
top. Fibre Optics can bring natural light inside. The great advantage is that it is impervious
to weather, including the worst predictions for the future.
The large anthills of central Australia have an inbuilt
air-conditioning system within the interconnected, internal tunnels because of
the differential temperature of the two sides.
Existing buildings, including sky scrapers cannot take advantage of this
process because they are like columns, but a Snake City building could.
Starting for example at a coastal port, it would snake
inland. In time, with the development and success of this concept, the
Snake City could split into different directions. It would be
perfect for sparsely inhabited and inhospitable regions. It would also be a way of linking existing
cities. Perhaps, with a growing population, the world will be covered by a
network of linear cities.
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