Rainbow over the minicipality

Rainbow over the minicipality

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Installation: A Decord of Highs

And now I can't remember what it was.  I was having the best idea in the blue kitchen, but by the time I fired up Blogger and found my Minicipality, I had forgotten.

An Installation

I have literally heaps of match boxes in my kitchen.  they pile up round the bin where I have tossed them after they were emptied.  I have most of the dead matches, too.

I envision all the boxes with the dead matches in them, and half open, perhaps lined up in eight columns.  The title would be, "A Decade of Highs".

The boxes are all the same.  In the past, Redhead changed the design of the boxes as they appealed to collectors, but few people collect machboxes now.  There is a term for that.

Mine are in a random heap where they were badly and casually tossed.  However occasionally, if I see on that is showing the back, I turn it over carefully to be in the same position exactly, just reversed.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Hierarchy of awareness.

My new arithmetic.

1 + 1 = e

We have had exponential measuring scales, like dbs for ages, but they were empirically devised and used because they worked, without any fundamental understanding of why they worked, except that growth rate for almost everything is proportional to size.  The principle was not derived ‘a priori’ (by thought alone) from the fundamental theorems of logic. 
Mathematics has been at fault since Frege in the belief that integers have an ontological existence in the “real world” of aware sense experience equal to physical objects like rocks or pencils
Things exist or do not exist, so the concept of mathematical unity must exist, but zero does not exist in the real world as nothing is nothing.  It is reasonable to believe that the numbers e and pi are also “real” as their influence in the ways that energy-systems and “things” relate is obvious.  Most other integers are compounds or agglomerations of single things, not entities in themselves, not even the much loved Prime numbers and certainly not the fractions including irrational numbers.
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.  Two separate things together in a pair has a much higher level energy-system than merely the arithmetic, or vector sum of the separate energy systems.  The example that is most evident to all people is the idea of two people becoming a “couple”, or the business success of Partnerships compared to just a lot of people working on the same project. One anything, paired properly with another is not two of them but “e” of them, for surely it is this astonishing number that is the result, which is why everything grows at that rate when it grows naturally.
That is why married couples pop out babies; they have more energy in their system than two people can maintain with stability, so produce offspring. 
This theory can obviously be extended to more than two, when it becomes a subject for micro-sociology and small-group theory.  But the complexity becomes challenging, like taking a mathematical concept to other higher dimensions and probably has little real-world significance.

Hierarchy of awareness.

It is possible to postulate a hierarchy of awareness.  Aristotle and the ancients did this, believing that people were the most aware creatures, but all living animals had a lower type of “soul” that extended down in degrees till it reached plants, and thence to inanimate objects themselves, like crystals and rocks, and even molten metal.
When it was first seen that all “knowledge” was everything that had been thought, but even before any person thought of something, it seemed to have existed, which is why the “mind of God” became a necessary part of “Creation” because without it there was no one to know all the things that were not yet (at any time) known by any people.
If Consciousness is a propert y of all “energy-systems”, then even simple systems must be self-aware, though the simple sense of being that a rock might hold is unimaginably basic, though possessing mass, there might be some sensation of acceleration though space-time.  Indeed, we experience it and believe it is a higher property of our advanced biology, but perhaps it is intrinsic in our physical existence.  
"Reality" only exists because it is known to exist by itself.  No "mind of God" is needed if we believe that matter itself is what is self-aware and hence can know of its own existence.
Much more interesting that looking downwards in this hierarchy is looking up.  We see ourselves as the pinnacle of the development of Consciousness.  If we accept the concept of the hierarchy, we see ourselves as having morphed or evolved out of lower forms, and have now reached the apotheosis. 
It is more logical to expect that the future will proceed with continued development instead of stagnation at the present level for ever.  In other words, our human consciousness and self-awareness might eventually be superceded by a higher level, that is as much above us as we are above the great apes and other “animals”, and they are above plants, etc.  These things are surely quantified in some way, so there are shells of stability at some order of magnitude and the next level is a vast jump away.  We, people, will not gradually develop our consciousness, but will all stay within the same range for many generations, then a new parallel form of higher consciousness will emerge.
Or, perhaps it already has and we just cannot yet communicate with it?