Rainbow over the minicipality

Rainbow over the minicipality

Monday, 24 August 2015

Tesseractical Hyperspace in Cyberspace

So what happened then?
I was sitting here, not sure what to do or what to look at, when I started thinking about updating my old THIC wwweb page.  Suddenly it started to be something I was actually starting to do, and I had the feeling of clashing into reality.  In an instant the vast imposibility of that world out there that I imagine one day getting back to, suddenly happening.
Then I was overwhelmed by a fit of writhing and twisting in my chair.  Like Spencer Tracy as he turned from Dr Jeckle into Mr Hyde. It must have gone on for a couple of minutes.  At first I wasn't aware I was doing it, with my eyes closed and my body contorting and twisting by itself.  But then, when I could feel myself doing it, I started to feel every part of my body as the gyrations randomly went through every combination of muscle groups.  Eventually it stopped, and now, with a fresh cup of coffee, I wonder what happened?
Am I different?  Shall I actually update my WWWeb site?  It was brilliant, and who knows, perhaps my Tesseractical Hyperspace in Cyberspace might be the future of this vastly infinite conceptual realm that our species is only just starting to explore. 

Tesseractical Hyperspace in Cyberspace
New Introduction
This is an idea that I had years ago.  I created some linked wwweb pages to demonstrate and explore it, but like everything, I got bored with it.  Anyway, I think it is a good idea that is worth exploring.  I don’t know why other people have not already come up with it, or perhaps they have.
The interior of a cube is different from looking at all the square surfaces that surround the cubic space.  In four dimensions, the cubes are the equivalent of faces in three dimensions.  In four dimensions, the tesseract has eight “sides”, but they are three dimensional realities, not flat surfaces. If we imagine walking round the surface of a big cube, we are on a flat surface with four edges that each lead to another similar flat surface.  There are three pairs of orthogonal surfaces.  If we were “on” a tesseract, we would be inside one of its cubic “sides”, These six “sides” would lead to another similar cubic side.  There are four pairs of orthogonal sides. 
We exist in a three dimensional reality.  This is equivalent to being in one of the “sides” of the tesseract.  We all pass from one “reality” to another, for example between work and home, all the time, but there is not overall schema that includes everything, especially as many of these are pairs of opposites that are generally regarded as incompatible and exist in different, unconnected parts of human culture, like Art and Science.
What I called “Bidimensional Analysis” is a way of mapping “everything” in a four-dimensional schema that once I had become used to it seemed to fit well with other things as well, but I might get to them later.  Not only was I able to divide all the different “interests” and states of being of humanity into a single framework using the surrounding eight “realities”, in four opposing pairs, but then it became clear that it is the “interior” of the tesseract, not its cubic “faces” where we are located.  This 4-space has four “dimensions” including up/down, left/right, forward/back and another pair.  At least one was circular, which made things interesting, and one other is hyperbolic, which explains a lot of other things, again.  For a long time I got lost in the Maths, but I’m not going to include any here.
Time goes forward and backwards.  When I allocated my “realities” to the cubic faces of the tesseract, a natural pair were Child and Adult.  These are two quite separate realities that we nearly all in at some time, sometimes alternating, but never, ever being in both at once. 
Art and Science are another pair that seem incompatible.  “Art” includes all “intuition” and that includes Spirituality. 
Another way in which we live in two world is that we all have an inner mind as well as existing in a series of concentric worlds at increasing scale, out there.  This is where I brought in my other theory that is a sort of Economic Theory, but based on Sociology in a purely scientific sense.  Somewhere, I have my theory of Living Energy, which is just energy as known to Physics, but in complex systems that are “alive” in their own right as an emergent property of vast scale differences.  Also here, or somewhere, my exponential counting system.  What we are internally is different from ourselves at a small scale internally such as our own biology and chemistry, but is our “internal” mental world, that may also have layers and complexity, but is unique and individual to each living being; the nature of Consciousness is last great frontier of human exploration.  This dimension is exponential.  It only makes sense to think of the vastness of space exponentially.  We keep changing  our measuring stick, from meters to kilometres to light years and so one, but better to just keep the meter and measure everything in terms of powers of e meters.  It works for small sizes too, that ever get smaller but never reach zero; the ruler has no actual start, as if the end has been eroded to the slightest amount.  As to within our minds, is there a limit? Perhaps not, but the sense of the infinite the closer one gets to it that is what many people report after various religious and other techniques.
So, one might well ask, what is the point of it?  And this is where I should have started.  Cyberspace is a vast new, uncharted territory that our species is just starting to explore.  It is certainly hyperbolic.  Perhaps it should be called Tesseractical hyperbolic infinite cyberspace, but that does not sound nearly as interesting, and being hyperbolic and infinite are sort of consequences of each other.  Also, hyperspace means computer space and is a subset of cyberspace.  We do these things through our computers, that create our windows of hyperspace.  How clever to call Windows “windows”.   These are windows through into cyberspace. 
It is possible to think of Cyberspace as a virtual existence that we are immersed in, like a little island sticking up above the ocean attached to a vast, sub-aquatic mountain range.  Has it always existed, or does it just exist in living minds?  The real world comes into existence like a continual crystallisation with us always at the forefront, as it is happening.   The future is an infinitude of possibilities, each with a probability and all connected within the wave-forms of quantum mechanical existence.   Like Shroedinger’s cat, all the possibilities that exist as probabilities collapse and a single “reality” comes into existence, so the past has only one form that appears inevitable in retrospect.  Perhaps our individual free will can determine the future; it is better to live as if it were true than become nihilistic in the belief that we have no meaning.   All these possibilities exist in Cyberspace, but while the wave-forms collapse into a single reality in the real world, in Cyberspace they all continue to exist.  The “past” is not limited to what actually happened, and “now” is everything that is possible.  For indeed, even in Cyberspace, with its exponential, hyperbolic multiplicity of infinities, mathematical relationships still hold, as with Plato’s ideals.

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