Rainbow over the minicipality

Rainbow over the minicipality

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Last Thursday, 19th June was a most traumatic day.

Last Thursday, 19th June was a most traumatic day.
On the previous Sunday (a week ago today) I had swum for the first time in ages and it went well.  And then I had enjoyed The King and I, so it was a very good day.  On Tuesday I went to see the Physician, as I had been on the BP medication for a month and was due to go back.  I had felt a lot of arrhythmia in the preceding few weeks.  I had had a long talk with Krista from BUPA on Saturday about it, and repeated it all with Dr Langdon.  Anyway,  by then things were settling down, so I was optimistic in his visit, and my BP was down and everything looked good.
Thursday I swam again, and felt really good afterwards, just a little bit exhausted, but that did not last.  then I got lunch to take back to Billy, like I used to do, but not for him as he had a pie already.  After lunch I had a really intense phone conversation with someone from the Royal Commission into Childhood Abuse.  Then I helped Billy prune the front hedge.  The day was going well, I thought.  When I got home I had another call from another Royal Commission woman, this time about having more counselling, which I think I need.  Anyway, later I felt not so good and my BP was way up again, like 180/90 or something like that.  It has gradually come down since.  I have had a little bit of the arrhythmia since, but it hasn't lasted long each time.

I am so depressed about it all.  I keep thinking that surely my life is soon going to be over.  How much longer can this last.  I have moments of optimism, like thinking once the counselling takes hold I will get better, because surely this problem is due to the stress.  I also have stress over 1209 High Street, who have not paid their rent again.  Con is coming in Monday.  After Brian Smith comes in, so I am not looking forward to a busy morning tomorrow.  I am more upset by the bad treatment from Joanna Kordos, my new tenant.  If she had treated me politely and asked for another rent free month, I would have said yes, but she ignores me and manipulates me and just takes what she wants without asking.

It doesn't rain but it pours.  Just now 11.30, I had a call and now someone is coming in Monday at 9.30 to sign a paper. So three people that day.  It is Con I am dreading. 

This afternoon is another Neon, experimental play at 3.00 with the MTC.  Perhaps it will be good, the one two weeks ago was brilliantly funny.  I started a Facebook page to discuss plays a while back, but gave up on it quickly. 

Oddly, I don't feel too bad right now.  If my BP had not been still up a bit this morning, and hadn't been so high in the last couple of days, I would have gladly swam again.  I really miss it, despite it being boring and tedious.

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