I have lived through the sexual revolution. When I was young (that sounds so sad;-) there were just people, undifferentiated by sexual orientation. Then the idea was promulgated and generally accepted that some people are biologically born to be homosexual, and they deserve full rights. Homosexuality used to be a behaviour but now it is an ontological state, and is part of who someone is, not what they do. However laudable this movement is, it has now largely run its course. It is generally accepted that for homosexual, "gay" people of both genders to indulge in homosexual behaviour. It is assumed that other people will not want to, but this is false. I don't know about women, but I do know that many adolescent males, not only in Australia, indulge in private homosexual behaviour, sometimes going all the way, which is seen by them as just mucking around, and not real sex as there are no women involved. They do it very secretly and believe themselves to be the only people who are doing that sort of thing. What ever the present level of actual homosexual activity between heterosexual men, in a few years it will start to be socially acceptable for "straight" men to play round with each other in a sexual way, without actually being "homosexual" or "gay". This was the situation in some ancient societies including the well documented Classical Greeks, hence the term "greek love". Possibly, religious, moral or even legal sanctions will come back into play to minimise this social trend, even if it remains acceptable for registered and "out" homosexual people, perhaps after a genetic test, are permitted to openly live a homosexual lifestyle with full social benefits, etc.
Does morality move in waves? With a trend towards more or less social control over individual behaviour, gradually over time in a particular culture, with gradual influence across national and regional boundaries, so the waves are out of phase. Personally, I favour greater personal freedom. I lived in India for about a year, a few decades and a couple of lifetimes ago, and everyone lived a very public life, by our Western standards, Families all slept in one big bed in the attic, and public nudity was generally avoided but tolerated or ignored. But I do think the elevation of freedom of speech to a sacrosanct level is wrong, especially the proposed removal of 18C that stops anti-Semitism.
[To Xians: we didn't kill your deity, Rome did that. When Rome became the centre of the Church, blame had to be deflected. The present Roman Catholic Church is the direct continuation of the old Roman Empire, just changed a lot. The religious head is still the Pontifex Maximus. The psychological implications of the guilt they must feel for being the very people who killed their own deity must be enormous. They have gone to great lengths to cover it up and blame us Jews. How long can they hold out against the forces of reason and continue to believe their ancient mythologies? It looks like it will still be a very long time, but with these things everything can suddenly change, like a mathematical catastrophe, so who knows? I may live to see it.]
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